
What is it?

Promise of this moment feels infinite,
Impossible to express, just out of reach and beckoning.
I sense connections, yes, just out of reach
But all the more alluring; mind wings
Want to unfurl, fly free across impossible landscapes…
Is this self-deception or something else?

I can’t recall now where anything began, but like a falling star
Must i burn up on re-entering earth’s atmosphere?

How to grasp this vanishing, this beauty beyond words,
Familiar in some strange way, like a forgotten perfume,
A word that eludes you, though you feel its form,
Or the dream whose powerful atmosphere remains
Though the details have gone under. So what is
Reality, where does that light come from,
That perfume, memory, dream, elusive word –

I can’t recall now where anything began, but like a falling star
Must I burn up on re-entering earth’s atmosphere?

And still the light moves on,
Transient, teasing, always out of reach,
like the kestrel suddenly in silent flight that lands again,
I see it, and it sees that and is next moment gone,
but how? And where? The myriad lives, the energies of life
surround me, and knowing this moment can’t return
I try to catch its passing in a net of words,
Unfulfilled longings I can’t express, that draw me on
With the sense that any moment I could break through
This thin veil to the moment where the sun
Is about to rise, the word to come, and the thought
Fly through like a swift, not to be caught
But to tell of the enduring joy and mystery of flight –

I can’t recall now where anything began, but like a falling star
I must burn up on entering earth’s atmosphere.